Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beautiful Kate - Australia 2009

**** spoilers ****

One liner: a man goes back to the family home to visit his dying father after fleeing 20 years earlier without an explanation after the accidental death & suicide of his two siblings.

Ned Kendall and his girlfriend, Toni, are travelling at night to Ned's family home, a rural property situated in the middle of nowhere. Ned is 40 and is a writer. Toni asks him to tell his family she is an actress and takes her name tag off her shirt, throwing it into the console. As they travel in the dark, they suddenly hit a kangaroo. Toni claims the kangaroo is moving and might have a baby but Ned just tells her to get back in the car and then he throws the roo to the side of the road without much sympathy.

When they reach the property, it is the middle of the night and the household is asleep. Ned wakes his sister but he does not immediately introduce Toni who is sitting on the porch seat out of view. As sister Sally moves to take in Ned, Toni moves to the door then pushes her way past. Sally looks visibly disturbed. Sally offers to wake up dad (Bruce) but Ned refuses saying they are not going anywhere.

It's fair to say Ned changes once he reaches the property and behaves like a nob. He doesn't bother trying to help Toni fit in and often leaves her alone while he goes off to do something else.

Ned looks around the house and into the bedroom of Kate, his twin sister. He finds it undisturbed and the light no longer works. He goes back to his room and says to Toni which bed do you want (there are two singles). Toni says why can't we push them together? Sally appears with single sheets. Toni again says, don't you have any doubles?

Ned remembers tracing his finger on Kate's back. They are twins. Kate has a game where she asks Ned for a tickle and he recites a poem while tracing his finger along to the narration while spooning. It flashes back to the present and he makes love to Toni.

In the morning, Sally says he will see you now. Ned and Toni make their way into dad's room. Ned (and in fact the whole family) only ever call him Bruce. From the start Bruce cannot say a single nice thing to Ned. He goads Ned now by saying he looks soft and then making comments about how Ned has good luck with finding pretty women but not much luck keeping them. He talks about Toni about her being pretty as if she isn't there. Toni walks around the room to look at things. Ned asks how Bruce is doing and Bruce shoots back that he is dying of heart disease. Ned has enough and says he is going to look around before it gets too hot. Toni remains in the room and asks about a photo of a young girl next to the bed.

Sally confronts Ned and asks why he brought Toni. Ned says what's it to you. Sally reveals that she didn't ask him to come because she wanted to, but because Bruce wanted to see him. She criticizes Ned for having brought Toni because he can't give Bruce his full attention. Ned asks if she plans to stay here after Bruce is gone. Sally informs him that the bank owns all of it. The dam they used to swim in has also dried up due to lack of rain. But everything in the shed is going to Ned. Ned scoffs but Sally says Bruce is sure the contents is worth up to $50,000.

Ned has further flashbacks to childhood, which paint a picture of his relationship with the family. Their mother died early. They had an older brother called Clifford that Bruce was always very hard on and treated him like a sissy. Then Ned and Kate, then Sally. Kate is very beautiful However she is also jealous. Ned and she are at a fair watching fake bullriding. A girl that Ned is interested in called Tamara is riding and he mentions to Kate he wishes he could cop a feel. Kate is so jealous that she pushes Ned. Everyone else jeers Kate so she rushes off. Tamara gets off the mechanical bull and goes to flirt with Ned when Kate comes back on a bike causing Tamara to jump out of the way.

At the table, Toni is looking through an old photo album and becomes disgusted at a photo of Kate with a big wichetty grub on her tongue. She asks Bruce what is going on and he tells her they eat them. She then asks whether Kate will be coming back as well. Bruce says, doubt it. She asks why, where is Kate now. Sally says apologetically - Kate has passed on. Confused, Toni says, you mean she's dead? Bruce makes a smart comment. Kate confronts Ned why he has never told her that he had a brother and sister. A couple days later she confronts Sally and asks why she does everything in the house. She should just leave Ned and Bruce together and tell them to piss off. Sally says Ned might kill Bruce. Toni says so what? I would.

Ned is more distant towards Toni. Toni pushes the two single beds apart and turns off the light without saying goodnight to Ned. Ned goes to find Sally in the computer room. She is on Second Life and is salsa dancing with her "boyfriend". She introduces Ned to her boyfriend. He comments that she has enormous bosoms and she says that her boyfriend promised to buy her a ring if she made them twice as big. She points out the ring on her avatar finger. She then comments that she likes that she can end it at any time and demonstrates by turning the speakers off. She then hands Ned a stack of papers saying these are the instructions for Bruce and says she plans to take a few days off to go get work done (she works at an Aboriginal community). Ned protests but Sally says they need son dad time together.

Ned tries to get on with Bruce's schedule but Bruce proves to be a handful. He is in the middle of something when Toni starts yelling for him. He goes outside to find her sitting on a large barrel roped up to two trees which is a make shift bull. She says how does it work. He teaches her how to sit on it and starts rocking the bull by is distracted by another flashback. The flashback ends when Toni falls off the bull and yells at him that he did it on purpose. She gets up and is angry at him saying she is bored and it is hot. He tells her why don't you have a bath then, or wash your hair. She says she will and walks off suggestively taking off her t shirt. He goes to follow but then sees that Bruce has been watching them at his window, including seeing Toni walk past with no top.

Comedy moment. Toni is in a kiddy pool with sunnies and a big hat and a can of flyspray which she is busy spraying any fly that comes near her. This being the desert, they are everywhere.

Bruce spends all his time riling Ned more. Ned can seemingly never live up to any expectations. Bruce asks whether Ned has written anything worthwhile yet and asks about some book which he gets the title and subject wrong. Ned corrects him and says you mean the one that is in its third reprint, but no, I haven't written anything worthwhile yet. Later he and Toni are out in the shed and Ned is sitting on the bulldozer. He says they are better off just burying all this shit instead of trying to sell it. He starts up the bulldozer and pushes all the crap into the yard.

Later Toni hears Bruce's buzzer go off and again yells for Ned, but Ned is in the yard burning all the junk. Despondently she goes to Bruce's room. Bruce has tried to get up and fallen on the floor then wet himself while waiting the long time for Ned or Toni to appear. Disgustedly she says what is he doing, and then have you wet yourself? Realising Ned is not about to come back any time soon, she roughly hoists Bruce onto the bed, criticizing his whinging, and then changing his pants, throwing a towel over his waist so she doesn't have to observe his nakedness. She then opens the window and Bruce says he smells burning. When Toni tells him Ned is burning all the junk he is agitated but can do nothing. So he decides to do psychological retaliation instead. He tells Toni why is she dating Ned who must be twice as old as her and someone like her should be in Hollywood. Falling for the ruse, Toni says really? Bruce asks her to sit with him, then he tells her beauty is youth, and youth is beauty. That is the only thing you need to know. Toni tells him she was saving to get to Hollywood and started classes. He encourages her to show him some of her stuff.

Ned comes back in and approaches Bruce's room. He peers through the crack and sees Toni rehearsing one of her scenes and Bruce giving her warm praise. (we see through the rest of the film that Bruce has never had any warm praise for anyone except Kate)

Ned uses Bruce's study to start writing a memoire. First it is guided by anger. He remembers Clifford being confronted by Bruce why the neighbours kid managed to get a scholarship to Kings College and he didn't, could it be because so and so was smarter, or just not as lazy. Clifford cowers and says nothing but Kate rises to his defence. After the Tamara incident, Kate starts being more sexually overt. She leaves the bathroom door unlocked and Ned accidentally enters and finds Kate massaging her breasts. She lets him watch for a while before acting shocked and screaming for him to leave, but then lying down next to him and starting to cry that she misses mum. Ned tries to console her and rubs her shoulder, but still excited by seeing her breasts he accidentally ejaculates against her leg. He is embarrassed and ashamed but Kate seems unperturbed. After that he tries his best to avoid Kate alone. He volunteers to take 2 weeks off away from home so he can go to the far side of the property and do fencing. Bruce uses this to turn on Clifford and say what has he been doing, basically nothing, and Clifford tries to defend himself by talking about something he was planning to do. Bruce refuses to accept it as an answer and sends him off to do it now, even though it is night. Ned gets up to leave as well but Bruce tells him to sit down. He then also tells Sally off for playing with her food. The next day Ned is in a remote location when Kate appears in the ute. He tells her to go away but she says she has brought the fence posts for him. Reluctantly he gets on the ute and they proceed by throwing posts down along the track. When they finish, Ned tells her he will walk back which angers Kate who drives off.

Toni finds Ned in the study and intimates she is bored. She blames him for bringing her here. She also doesn't want to attend to Bruce because he is not her father. She asks Ned what he is doing and he says writing down notes for his book. As she goes around the study, she points at a map with flag pins on it and asks what it is. Ned says it is a map of the radio schools. She asks weren't they sent to school. He says no, his dad knew better. Ned also previously found a bullrider medal in a box in the study drawer and it brings back memories of when he was very young and asking his mother to stop the car so he can go into the shed and show his dad his first prize. His dad glances at the badge then dismissively tells Ned he has a long way to go before he is a champion. Toni finds out more and more things about what a loser Bruce is. She picks up a marker as Ned is talking and draws on the poster of Bruce. Bruce once stood for parliament as a member of the Country Party. She draws a moustache on him then colours out the O R and Y then draws a big arrow to Bruce. Ned has sex with Toni but when she keeps calling out he says he will stop. But she starts again and he breaks off saying why do you have to sound like a tart? She says why do you have to fuck me like a tart. He says nothing and she goes on that he never looks at her. He says of course I look at you, you're beautiful. She asks do you love me? He says well I'm marrying you aren't I? She is enraged by this comment and goes to leave but Ned takes her up in his arms and tries to soothe her. He then tries to make love facing her and looking into her eyes but looks into his dad's eyes on the poster instead and gets a soft on. Toni is enraged again and leaves.

Ned decides to make amends with Toni and has made a candlelight dinner on a tray and cocktails. He goes looking for her and eventually finds her in the study where she is reading his manuscript. She reads out the part where he has ejaculated on Kate after she was crying and Toni tells him he is a perve and not to touch her. She slams the door. Ned drinks himself into an oblivion. Bruce at some stage also riles Ned that he always had a fondness for drink. This leads Ned into having another flashback into him as a teenager drunk and being dropped off by some people (more like kicked out of the car). He gets up and is bleeding from the forehead. He sees a woman in the kitchen and still drinking walks off to the dam. He is in the dam swimming in the nude when Kate appears. When he tells her to go away because he is drunk, she says it is her dam too. He tries to hide away behind the pylons but Kate won't leave him alone. She brings up the fair with Tamara and what Ned had said, then tells him if he wants to cop a feel he can do it now. She says that she had always felt weird until he ejaculated. Ned says no. Kate says go on, it will be our secret. She takes his hand and rubs her breasts, then moves forward to kiss him on the mouth. Ned gives in and goes into a frenzy. They end up stumbling onto the bank and having sex. After he has come he starts saying he's sorry but Kate simply says she's fine. She goes off to wash herself and then comes back to say just pretend it was someone else. She sings If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. However Ned is really traumatized and is still lying on the bank with his face in his hands.

Ned wakes up from a horn sounding. He stumbles to the bedroom but sees no one there, then to the kitchen. He is standing in a stupor when he hears an engine rev. He goes outside to find Toni leaving in a yellow car. He goes into Bruce's room and starts yelling at him what have you done? and says Bruce is still up to his old tricks, that it was his fault Clifford killed himself and whatever it takes he will kill him. He is holding Bruce up by the collar then drops him and runs off after Toni. Bruce falls back onto the bed choking and coughing. He runs off to his car and starts following them, yelling at them to stop. He sees Toni in the back who is mouthing fuck off to him and giving him the finger. He hits something and stumbles out of his car, but Toni is gone. He yells several times I'm still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! until he falls over in the dirt.

The next day he walks back to the property with blood on his face. He washes himself and has another flashback. He has returned home and is playing with Sally when Kate tells him Clifford wants to see him. As he follows Kate he asks her what has she done. She says nothing, just that Clifford wants to see him and he is inside the shed. Ned gets angry and says you told him, why did you tell him? why? but Kate refuses to answer. He goes in and says innocently, you wanted to see me? Clifford comes out of the shadows and says that Kate told him Ned tried to cop a feel. Realising Kate hasn't told Clifford the whole story he then steps up and says so what if I did, what are you going to do about it? Clifford can't man up, so Ned starts badgering him, go on hit me. Clifford hits Ned in the stomach, but Ned fights back, still yelling hit me, hit me. Clifford isn't fighting but Ned won't let him leave and wrestles him. Kate comes to the shed and starts yelling for Bruce. Bruce comes in but even though Kate says Ned is to blame, Bruce starts kicking Clifford in the back and the guts. As they separate, Kate hugs Clifford and kisses him on the forehead.

He goes back inside and makes breakfast for Bruce but when he goes into Bruce's room, Bruce has his rifle pointed at him. He says he remembers what Ned said to him last night. Ned sweet talks Bruce into giving up the gun and says he is a bad drunk and says Clifford killed himself because he killed his sister. That is all. Bruce refuses to eat or drink so Ned gives up. Bruce asks him again why he won't talk about that last summer. He then demands to be wheeled outside.

Outside near the dam Bruce says that when their mother died he tried to fill her shoes and get close to them like she did but he didn't know how. He always tried hard but the kids didn't love him. Ned says that isn't true. Bruce says you have always called me Bruce. You never called your mother Emily. He says he was harder on Clifford because he thought that the world would be harder for Clifford than it would be for Ned and Kate. He demands to be wheeled back inside.

Ned has a flashback to the Christmas Party. After the fight, Bruce told Ned he had to take Kate to the Christmas Party even though Ned protests. Kate looks satisfied. They are dancing when a slow dance comes on. Kate looks very happy but Ned wants to keep his distance. Kate then says she wants to leave. Ned says he is not ready to go home yet. Kate says I never said I wanted to go home. Ned becomes angry and says he is not going anywhere with her. She says fine, just take me home then. Ned refuses. He turns to Tamara who is dancing with another boy and says lets go. Tamara says will she be ok? Ned and Tamara look at Kate and Ned says she will be fine. At the door Ned gives Tamara a big kiss, making sure Kate sees. Kate is enraged and goes off to look for Clifford. Clifford is at a drinks stand and puts down his things. Ned and Tamara are somewhere having sex. Later Ned is driving by himself back to the property but sees something and reverses. He sees a stationary car so he gets out and starts calling for Clifford. He opens the passenger door and finds Kate with her head smashed in and blood all over her face. He starts screaming her name and holding her tightly. We also see a paid of legs hanging in the dark in the shed. Clifford had hung himself.

Sally returns. She tells Ned she is sorry about Toni. He replies no you're not. She just smiles. She asks whether Bruce ate much as she is having trouble getting him to eat. Ned says he didn't eat much. She suggests that he might eat some custard because he likes that. Ned offers to take it in. She tries to stop him and says are you going to talk to him about you and Kate? Ned says what do you mean? She reveals that she had been ten when it happened and that she had been sent down to the dam to get yabbies for dinner and saw them on the bank, she thought Ned was hurting Kate at the time (but now she understands). Ashamed, Ned asks if she forgives him. Sally says she forgave him a long time ago. Seeing Ned having a hard time, she reveals that when the car crashed (with Kate) the clock had stopped on impact. Both she and Bruce had wondered a long time why it took so long for Clifford and Kate to be coming back from the party. Ned asks if she is saying that Kate and Clifford were also having sex. Sally says this is what she thinks happened. She says Clifford didn't kill himself for killing Kate, he killed himself because he wasn't able to forgive himself for having sex with Kate. Ned gets up with the bowl of custard. Frantic Sally begs him not to tell Bruce and that it won't do any good. Ned says: why, why shouldn't he know that he thought she was his greatest achievement but she was just a fucked up little girl?

Ned charges into Bruce's room and Bruce is still stubborn. Ned aggressively says you know what I remember about last summer? But then he tells Bruce that what he said was true, Ned always had a weakness for cunt and did he remember Tamara from the roadhouse? Well that was the reason he didn't drive Kate home. Then he starts crying and pressing his head to Bruce's chest says that he didn't drive Kate home over again, he should have except he was with Tamara, but if he had of, he would never have swerved for a roo. (earlier on we find out Clifford swerved to avoid hitting a roo on the road and run the car into a tree). Bruce looks relieved to find out the story at last.

Ned is fast asleep early in the morning and hears his name being called. He wakes up to find Sally sitting next to him. She doesn't say anything and Ned understands Bruce has died.

They start preparing him. Sally says Bruce always believed no two people would care about him when he died, but she thinks that once word gets out there will be plenty of people coming to the house. She is picking out clothes for him, and Ned takes a washcloth from her and lovingly washes Bruce's face.

Bruce's ashes are scattered by Ned and Sally while the last rites are read out by an Aboriginal elder. The Aboriginal community have gathered around. Sally tells Ned she has something to show him. They go out to the community she works at where children are playing football. She says she has about 40 children here. Ned asks if she will get lonely now (that Bruce is gone). She finds it funny and says with 40 kids I don't think I can be lonely. Ned says it was right in front of him and he never realised. Sally asks what he means. Ned says you were his greatest achievement. (meaning that she has found meaning for her life and does something she enjoys).

Ned drives off. While he is doing up his seatbelt he pricks his finger. Looking down he realises it is Toni's name tag from her uniform. He smiles and props it up on the dashboard to keep him company on his drive home.

Monday, May 7, 2012

What a Girl Wants - USA 2003

One Liner - US down to earth teen goes to meet her dad for the first time who is an English Lord.

Voiceover by Daphne Reynolds reveals she celebrated her 15th birthday dressed to the nines and secretly wishing her missing father that she has never met would turn up as a surprise. Every birthday after this fails to happen and all the kids have left, she asks her mum to tell her the story again.

Her mum obliges and the story is that once there was a free spirited American musician who went out to seek her fortune and while she was waving goodbye to a bus, fell backwards down a sand dune. As she was crying out during her tumble, a British man runs towards her at the base and then catches her. He is incredibly handsome and they fall deeply in love. They are even married by a Bedouin Chief.

She finds out that he is a British Lord but on their return to Britain the rest of his family are not so keen on Libby (the mother) and so Libby leaves and months later back in the US discovers she is pregnant with the most beautiful, loveable baby daughter.

She finishes by saying: you never get tired of that story, do you?

Voiceover announces it is now her 17th birthday and the same thing has happened again. She confronts her mum about finding out more. Her mum says she never told Henry (her dad) that there was a baby. Daphne is keen to make something happen but Libby says it is more complicated than she can imagine.

Daphne is not satisfied and sneaks out the next day with a ticket to London. Libby discovers a recorded message later that day and heaves a big sigh, seeing no way to stop her daughter from finding out for herself.

Daphne arrives and is enchanted by London and winds up at a backpacker hostel that has a grand name but looks terrible. Upon her arrival, she sees a handsome young man seated on a desk, strumming a guitar and singing melodically. She says it is beautiful and also notes the make of his guitar. He asks if she is a musician and she says no, the person she lives with is one. The guy looks downcast, so Daphne says, "it's my mum." He cheers up right away and puts the "Reception" sign on the desk and introduces himself as Ian Wallace. She suddenly turns to the tv which is broadcasting a news story on Lord Henry Dashwood who is running for prime minister and says it is her dad. (presumably later she tells Ian the whole story). Ian then shows her all the things that don't work and give her a primer for UK language. (eg she doesn't know what a loo is).

Daphne shows up at the Dashwood mansion and a guard asks if she has an appointment. Unable to bypass him, she goes round the back and scales a wall. Inside, Henry's now fiancee Glynis Payne and her daughter Clarissa are seated to tea discussing their plans of grandeur (i.e. when Glynis becomes a lady) and how they are going to get rid of the old staff and throw balls at the mansion, when Clarissa says she just saw a large bird fall off the wall. Daphne makes her way by hiding behind statues to one of the french doors when Clarissa screams. Daphne takes off but is caught by Henry who drags her inside and says that the paparazzi are really getting too much. However, he notes that Daphne appears to be very young, no more than 17 and then says fine you can take my photo but then you must leave.

Daphne says she already has a photo and shows the one of him back when he had met Libby. He asks where she had got that, and she says from her mother Libby. And then she presents him with her birth certificate which names him as the father. Everyone else comes in and figures out how best to deal with the issue because it is politically sensitive. Henry looks nostalgic to the horror of Glynis thinking of her plans of ladyship. They discuss getting a hotel room for Daphne but Clarissa says that would look good in the paper, a Lord hiring a room for a teenager. At that moment, Henry's mother Jocelyn agrees it would be scandalous and states the best thing to do is to keep Daphne here in the home. Much to the joint horror of Glynis, Clarissa and Glynis's father, Alistair.

As Henry exits the room, Glynis follows him and brings up that he was the one who first stated doubt about his paternity and what happened to that. Henry replies by saying "She has my eyes".

Jocelyn takes a shine to Daphne and takes her to a grand room. Henry meets with some advisors, including Alistair, who ask how he wants to handle the media attention. Henry states that Daphne seems quite mature and well mannered, which are cut with scenes of Daphne jumping on the bed, screaming and running around in her socks.

Clarissa takes a call from Ian but is told there is no Daphne here. Ian tells her to pass on the message if she meets Daphne. Clarissa hangs up resolved not to tell Daphne at all.

Daphne goes to Henry's study and gives him a book of photos of herself growing up. He only glances at it this time but later on at a more troubled time he takes comfort in looking through more of the photos. He calls Libby who asks "is she there?" and Henry confirms all is fine. He asks why she never told him, and his sentiments echo Daphne's (i.e. he was never given a choice. Daphne condemned her mother for not at least telling Henry so that he could decide for himself whether he was going to get involved).

Henry invites Daphne to a dress show however on the day the family are waiting downstairs and Daphne decides to spruce up by using some perfume inside the bathroom. Unfortunately it smells terrible and then a comedy of errors occurs with her trying to wash it off, a rogue spinning water hose and Clarissa and Glynis convincing Henry to just sent Daphne in another car when she is ready. Daphne arrives just as the front doors close. She again utilises the back to get in. Unfortunately she asks whether this is the direction to the show of a stage manager who has his hands full and says yes yes get on! thinking one of his models has said it. Daphne appears in the spotlight, much to the shock of Henry, Glynis, Alistair and Clarissa who has already informed her friends of the low class American she now has to live with. Daphne recovers and pretends she is a model, strutting the stage, and Prince William comments that she is hot to one of his friends. Clarissa tries to blow it off that it is no big deal when one friend asks her doesn't she worry because if her mother marries then she will be xx to the throne? Her other friend says she should worry because if Daphne prevents the marriage they will only be xx in line to the throne (i.e. much further, the marriage to Henry would give them a substantial leg up).

Highborn Armistead Stuart, who Clarissa has hopes for, makes a play Daphne but she is not interested.

Henry tells Daphne they are invited to a coming out (debut) for Peach and Pear Orwood. He tells Daphne they will get a dress for her but Glynis tells him she has already got one. The dress turns out to be hideous so Sydney rearranges a few things with the help of scissors. Clarissa makes a threat to Daphne and tells her to keep her mind off trying to break into their plans and definitely keep her hands off Armistead. Daphne makes comparisons, which show how opposite they are, so why would Clarissa presume she would be interested in someone like Armistead? She also mentions didn't you see Cinderella? Guess what, I win!

On the night, she has the ugly bit draped over her like a cape so that Glynis and Clarissa don't notice, but as she comes down the stairs, she gives her cape to an attendant and looks beautiful in a turquoise gown. Armistead grabs her leaving her unable to get away, but as they whirl around on the dancefloor she realises Ian is fronting the band.

Later she goes out to the terrace and finds him and he asks if she is going to disappear again. Disaster strikes when she makes Ian agree to liven up the party, as Peach and Pear will be dubbed the most boring if this goes on. Daphne has a soft spot for them after witnessing Clarissa and her friends torturing the two of them. As the amp goes up and the party gets pumping, Lord Orwood's famous chandelier which was once given by Napolean to Josephine, cracks from the ceiling and falls to the ground, smashing into hundreds of pieces.

The next day Henry is trying to get to know Daphne and Glynis is horrified to see father and daughter behaving the same way like synchronised dancers, eg same method of spreading jam, same way of tasting and same way of eating toast. She tells Henry he needs to get on to make a meeting just as they are bonding about what bands they like. Just as he gets to the doorway, he notices a motorbike parked out the front. He then turns around to see Ian. He gets protective which is exacerbated as Ian makes a joke that he and Daphne are eloping on the bike (in reference to what Henry and Libby did at the start of the film). Just then Daphne arrives and she and Ian leave. Henry looks panicked then runs back into the house where he calls Libby and says someone has just taken their daughter on the back of a bike. Libby enjoys hearing Henry panic in a parent way. Libby reminds Henry this is the same as what they did. Henry says it is different. Henry asks if the worry ever goes away and she says it does not.

Ian then shows her around London and they have a great time. Daphne reveals that she is worried she has done the wrong thing after all and maybe she should just go home. Ian asks why. Daphne says Henry has a life, and he even has a family, i.e. his fiancee. Ian asks if she travelled across the world just to give up. Daphne tells him it is time to straighten up and she can't keep misbehaving. She enlists Ian to teach her. They go out on a row boat where Ian attempts to teach her deportment. She asks him why he knows all this. He reveals that his mother was actually upper class but married beneath her and the whole family denounced her. However, when he was born, the grandparents decided he needed a proper education so he got into all the good schools and clubs but after a while he realised it was not who he was and left. Now he works a number of jobs to support himself through school. They try the deportment again and Daphne loses her balance which tips the both of them into the pond. Laughing they climb back into the boat and Ian says that he admires her for who she is. They then share their first kiss.

Daphne goes to a rowing meet where she runs into Ian again this time being a parking attendant. While she is being hurried away, Alistair sees and hurries over to Ian to tell him to back off and that Daphne is too good for a parking attendant. However, after pestering Daphne on a jetty, Daphne tricks him into thinking she will kiss him but pushes him into the water at the last minute. Due to the media sensation, Henry becomes protective again, and asks Ian for the keys to his bike, he then drives off with Daphne through the gardens with the press chasing them. Henry and Daphne spend the day together walking around and having fun. He asks Daphne if Libby has had any other boyfriends but Daphne tells him there never have been and sometimes she sees when her mother feels lonely. When he arrives home, Henry tries on his old leather riding pants and is posing in front of the mirror when Glynis arrives. Glynis tearfully leaves asking where the Henry she loves has gone. Henry looks a bit sad but then returns to posing.

Alistair gives Henry some stern words which fail to impress until the two of them enter the house of commons rooms, where all the other party members fall silent and give Henry a stony glare.

Henry returns home and sadly tells Daphne he needs to speak to her. He shows her all their forebears of the Dashwood clan, all who have lost something for their country, eg arms, legs, eyes during battles. He says to be a Dashwood you must sometimes give up something. Daphne finishes by saying and I am a Dashwood. Henry leaves and Daphne looks up at a particularly stern painting and says what are you staring at? I can change!

We then go through a series of clips of Daphne having proper hairdos, nice suits in neutral and pastel colours, heels instead of boots and looking more and more gloomy at each event.

Ian shows up one day and says you aren't wearing that to The Strokes? Daphne admits she forgot, but when he asks her to change, she says she can't go because she has to go to a garden party. Ian says tell me when the real Daphne gets back in your body and leaves.

Jocelyn tells Daphne not to let Clarissa and Glynis get to her because they are jealous. She also reveals that Alistair used to be advisor to her own husband until he died and now he is advisor to her son, Henry. She says Alistair has got his claws into Henry for his own gain, and she stopped being interested in peerage after she saw what it did to many friends.

Daphne is to be presented/debut'd so Jocelyn gives Daphne her own tiara that she wore to her debut. She tells Daphne that Clarissa has had her eye on it for a long time. Henry tries to explain what the coming out is for but does terribly.

Daphne is the belle of the ball and Ian is again in the band, however he has nothing to say to Daphne and turns his back. Daphne realises her mother has arrived and goes to hug her She then brings Libby to Henry. Glynis is shocked but tells Henry he ought to find a nice escort for Libby. Daphne rises to her defence by asking why, why can't Henry escort her? Helplessly, Glynis and Alistair follow Henry and Libby to the ballroom. While Henry is with Libby, Glynis is having a meltdown and Alistair tells her not to worry, he will make Daphne go away just like he made Libby go away. This is overheard by Daphne. Further, Alistair reveals Libby was already pregnant when he sent her away. Daphne says: you knew? and begins to argue. Glynis grabs her by the wrist and takes her to a room and locks her in. Just then the bank announces the father and daughter dance. When Daphne fails to appear, Glynis is on stand by and tells Henry that he might as well dance with Clarissa since she is almost his daughter anyway. Reluctantly he does so.

Libby runs off in search of Daphne and hears her calling out. She lets Daphne out who runs back to the ballroom and sees Clarissa and Henry. She marches up to them and says to Clarissa, you should have what you deserve and gives her the coveted tiara. Ian looks at her meaningfully. She and Libby then leave.

There are then sad scenes shown of everyone alone. Ian stands on London Bridge pining for Daphne. Daphne can't eat her coco pops. Henry can't sleep.

Henry and the Payne clan go to a party meeting where Henry thanks his constituents for voting for him again after the earlier media issues. However, he has decided that while he believes passionately in his political activities, there is one thing that is much more important and for that reason he is standing down. As he leaves the shocked Payne's standing on the podium it appears many people stand as he leaves and look at him with respect. Outside Alistair runs after him yelling how far he has brought him and reveals the things he did including getting Libby away from him after he found out she was pregnant. Henry is infuriated how Alistair could do such a thing - he always believed Libby had left him of her own accord. He punches Alistair. Glynis, desperate for peerage, runs after him and says what about me, I wasn't involved with that. Henry turns around and says you will manage.

Back in the US Libby returns to her paid gigs and is working at a wedding, singing in front of a band. Daphne is waiting tables again at the party. Another waitress tells Daphne to pick it up but Daphne replies she's trying to get her college application finished. Sympathetically the other waitress says she will cover. Just then the father daughter dance is starting and Libby looks sadly over at Daphne who has to sit down. A rowboat arrives and Henry steps out onto the jetty. Because Daphne is facing the wrong way, she doesn't realise, but Libby sees him straight away and can't begin singing. One of her band members tries to figure out what is happening and covers for her. Because of this, Daphne turns around to find out what Libby is staring at and comes face to face with Henry.

Henry fumbles and pulls out a wad of paper saying he tried to write a speech twenty times on the flight and when he can't find the right one he says well it basically comes down to I love you Daphne. They then hug and join the other father daughter couple on the dancefloor while Libby starts crying. Then Henry says it wouldn't be right to come all this way without a present. At which Ian then cuts in on the dance. Daphne sees Henry take Libby to the dancefloor and kiss.

Epilogue - the whole family move back to London, all the old staff are kept on, Jocelyn who doesn't give a fig about peerage anymore gets the butler to sit down with them for lunch, Daphne goes to Oxford Uni and dates Ian, Clarissa marries Armistead and Glynis marries Lord Oswood. Alistair doesn't have as much luck though and now runs guided tours on the red double decker buses.

Sydney White - USA 2007

One liner - tomboy girl finds out sorority life is not for her but also that she is considered hotter and nicer than the sorority queen bee.

Sydney White has been raised by her plumber dad ever since her mum died when she was young. Sydney has had a solid education learning her dad's trade but also achieving top marks at school. It is now time for her to go to college and she has been reserved a place at the prestigious Kappa Phi Nu sorority by her mum since she had been there too. The construction workers bid her a sad farewell and give her a laptop as a parting gift. She also takes with her a box of memories of her mum which include a Kappa Phi Nu pin and a letter her mum has written for this special day which includes sentiments about making friends for life.

Fresh faced and excited, she enters the college grounds and goes to a dorm. She is surprised by a fond hello and turns around to face her current room mate Dinky Hodgekiss, a modern Southern belle. Dinky announces her real name which is very long so Sydney agrees to call her Dinky. Dinky finds out Sydney is "the other" legacy (Dinky's mum also reserved her a place) and seems to know much more about sorority life. She shows Sydney her four dresses that she is deciding over for tonight's sorority get together and asks Sydney what she is wearing. When she discovers that Sydney is not big on the way of dresses, she offers one of hers.

Sydney and Dinky make their way over to the Greek district. Sydney is in a pretty dress but wearing sneakers while all the other girls are dressed to the nines. At one of the frat houses, four guys are standing on the porch looking at all the freshman and making suggestive comments among themselves. Suddenly one of them alerts the crew to the group of nerds. He picks up his football and yells incoming! and lobs it at the nerdiest of the lot. At that moment, the torpedo football is caught by Sydney. She asks the nerd if he is alright but he is freaked out that a woman is speaking to him and runs away. She then yells at the footballer to be careful and lobs the ball back so hard that he topples over while catching it. All the guys laugh. Tyler, the film's heart-throb is immediately interested and runs down to meet her. He comments that it was quite a catch but Sydney misses all the romance cues being sent while Dinky sees clearly that Tyler is interested. Sydney tells him they are in a hurry but Dinky steps in and agrees that Tyler should show them around.

Finally Tyler gets them to the Kappa house. Inside, president Rachel Wichburn has informed her girls of the excitement to come and also to look out for the two legacies and get her when they arrive. She also tells them that if she deems any girl unsuitable as a possible pledge to the house, she will give the code to take them to the "koi pond" and dump them outside the house. Rachels concerns with looks is revealed as she orders one of the girls to kitchen duty because she has gained some pounds over the holidays. The doors open and a group of excited girls pour into the Kappa house.

Sydney immediately makes a few faux pas' which gets funny looks from some of the Kappa girls. She then heads outside and finds a vine covered gable and immediately visualises the photo of her mother sitting right in the same spot. She smiles happily until two Kappa girls arrive to greet her and she tumbles off the seat uncoordinatedly. They find out she is Sydney White and excitedly take her to Rachel. Without saying anything they present her to Rachel. Rachel immediately turns her back saying show her the koi pond. One of the girls says ahem... this is Sydney White! Rachel is seem frowning but when she turns has the angelic smile on and says really! She then orders one of the girls to take Sydney to the snack table. The other girl asks what is wrong. Rachel says Sydney is clearly not Kappa material, a fact the other girls don't realise. Rachel informs her that she has much more experience and can see it. She points out Sydney who has just attempted to eat a flower decoration on the cake and finding she can't eat it, tosses it over her head where it lands on another girl's big hairdo (without the girl noticing). Rachel's sidekick asks what will be done. Rachel says they can't refuse since she is a legacy, but Sydney will have to manage getting through pledging without help.

Sydney is standing with a group of girls who all say what their fathers do. When they ask Sydney she only says he is in constructions. One of the girls then says oh, so he is a developer! and Sydney just nods, embarrassed. They then start talking about Tyler and Sydney says she met him earlier on. They tell her Tyler is off limits. When Sydney looks confused they say Tyler is Rachel's ex but she'll talk him around because she has a plan. They describe Rachel's plan which is to do with both Rachel's and Tyler's complimentary careers as husband and wife and ends with saying isn't that romantic. Sydney innocently says sarcastically oh yeah, there is nothing as romantic as a five year plan! The other girls look dismayed at her opinion and Sydney excuses herself, not understanding why they don't see it her way.

That night Sydney and Dinky have given up their dorm rooms and moved to the Kappa house. All the new pledges are in sleeping bags in the loungeroom and the Kappa girls all sing them a (creepy) lullaby. As the lights go out, Sydney asks if anyone has found the koi pond.

At midnight, the Kappa girls suddenly burst into the room with air horns and yelling that the fun has begun. They inform the rudely awakened that they are not allowed to call it hazing, but essentially the hazing is about the start. Rachel yells that everyone has to find a date and meet at a diner by 10 past midnight. Dinky runs out happily. Sydney asks her what they are supposed to do. Dinky says oh just find any guy and at that moment a young man is leaving his house with his bag and she asks whether he would be her date. He says of course and they run off down the road. There are girls running around everywhere grabbing guys and Sydney half jogs along, still wondering what to do. She is left standing in the quiet street alone when suddenly she hears a sneeze. Calling hello a man finally emerges. It is one of the nerd guys, Lenny. Sydney asks why he was in the bush and he says he was just going home when he saw a group of wild girls running towards him so he dived into the bush. He says he has dropped all his medications and starts going through the list of ailments he has. Sydney helps pick up his things then says hey you're a guy and asks if he is doing anything. She then grabs him and runs to the diner.

At the diner they are the last couple in, but just make it in time. Rachel is visibly annoyed. They all order something and while all the other girls are watching their weight, Sydney innocently scoffs down a cake, licking the cream off her spoon and making delicious noises. The boys are also watching but for sexual reasons. This make Rachel even more annoyed. She gets all the girls to meet her at the back. She then informs them that they have made it through the first stage, however Sydney is deemed to have an unsuitable date is therefore now the one who has to prank him but dumping him. Sydney protests that Lenny is really nice. Rachel asks if she is serious about pledging.

Sydney apologetically approaches Lenny and says she wants him to meet her in the girls toilets. Lenny asks why. Sydney says it is for the pledging and makes suggestive nods. Lenny says oh right! and heads off to the toilet. Lenny is knocking on the door and says Sydney? Sydney? and goes in where an older woman is standing in front of the mirror. Seeing a man she immediately starts yelling at him and beating him with her handbag. He runs out to find all the pledges gone. A waitress comes out and says I guess you're paying the bill and slaps a piece of paper into his hand.

The pledges go through more hazing, including having to do star jumps and answering questions about the history of Kappa. If they get answers wrong, the Kappa girls spray them with water pistols. Dinky has trouble with an answer, and Sydney whispers it to her, which annoys Rachel. When it comes to Sydney, Rachel asks her what the colours are for Kappa. Sydney answers green and white, to which Rachel says wrong! Emerald and Pearl. Sydney apologises and says she hasn't learned posh talk yet. Rachel is annoyed and all the Kappa girls spray Sydney.

The pledges are sent to Beta Omega Rho frat house whose president is none other than Tyler Prince. The job there is to clean the boys bathroom. All the pledges are grossed out except Sydney. As they leave Tyler stops Sydney and apologises that they had to do that. Sydney says it was no problem and that she has spent a lot of time in bathrooms (for plumbing but she doesn't tell him that). Realising it sounds strange she says that she means she doesn't spend a lot of time in bathrooms. But realising that isn't true she then says she spends the normal amount of time in bathrooms. Tyler is amused, but Rachel comes to get Sydney. Rachel intimates to Tyler that Sydney is no good but Tyler defends Sydney saying she is alright. Rachel intimates that she wants to get back together but Tyler blows her off saying that she dumped him. Rachel defends herself by saying that at that time she thought she was getting married to a member of a boy band to which Tyler replies she can still do that.

Later all the girls are being inspected by Rachel under a lit magnifying glass. She tells each girl disparagingly what they need to fix, such as yellowed teeth, skin lotion, eyebrow plucking. When she gets to Sydney, she can't find anything wrong and nastily says: you know what, don't do anything, just stay right as you are. Sydney happily says oh ok! and goes away.

Sydney goes to the library and requests and order for books. The librarian says she doesn't see many of her kind in here. Sydney asks what kind? The librarian says sorority girls. Just then Sydney sees Lenny and his friends. They have been arguing what is cooler, vampires or pirates. Sydney makes to apologise but Lenny sarcastically responds to her. He tells all the guys to leave. Sydney desperately calls after him that they were made to sing Celine Dion songs in public.

During a meeting of sorority, fraternity and college heads, Rachel presents her plan. She says that her father and Tyler's father have donated a sum of money to get the project underway which is to demolish an old college building, affectionately known as The Vortex, and replace it with a state of the art meeting house which will be for the residents of the Greek district. While she says I present to you, the Greek House, she slams is menacingly down over the model of the Vortex, squashing it completely.

Sydney is walking past the Vortex and asks which fraternity it is. She is told that is not a fraternity, it is just an old house that got abandoned and then students who found themselves homeless gradually moved in there and since that time it seems to have attracted anyone who was a misfit, which is why they call it the Vortex. Sydney notices all the geek guys she had previously seen going into the house.

It is the day of the pledging. Rachel announces that as part of tradition, the pledges will wear dresses owned by the Kappa girls and that it will be a random draw. She says it should be no problem since they are all the same size here. She says that the first lucky girl will be wearing the finest from Italy (one of Rachel's dresses) and picks Sydney. Rachel looks visibly cross but all the girls cheer for Sydney. Sydney is shown to Rachel's room where Rachel goes through her rack and then selects a frumpy black gown. While they are in the room, the computer dings and Rachel's sidekicks open the Hot or Not webpage. Sydney asks what it is and is told that someone set up a vote on MySpace of who was the hottest on campus. Sydney says so I could be in there? Rachel retorts that freshman are never on there. One of the sidekicks says but she is, and Sydney is somewhere in the 100s. Rachel says its a stupid little thing anyway and doesn't mean anything. Rachel is curently number 1. Sydney asks why don't people just cheat by clicking on themselves numerous times a day? The sidekicks seem scandalised and say to her no, we are only allowed to vote once! but Rachel pauses while she is working through her dresses, which suggests that she does vote for herself multiple times.

Through the rest of the movie, Sydney moves up in the Hot page, much to the anger of Rachel.

That night, Sydney is radiant despite being in a frumpy gown. Tyler is breathtaken and asks Sydney for a dance. At the end of the evening, Rachel proceeds to issue pins to the new pledges, welcoming them as now Kappa girls but when she gets to Sydney and there is one pin left, she denounces her in front of everyone and says that Sydney broke pledge rules by cheating on the quiz, lying about her father's profession and revealing house secrets (Celine Dion songs test) to the public. Sydney says she doesn't want to be in a sorority if this is what it is all about. As she leaves, Rachel demands she return the dress. In a fury, Sydney rips the dress in half, and exits the room in front of everyone in only her spanx.

Sydney has packed her bags and has nowhere to go. To top it off it is raining. She is looking into her box of memories including the Kappa pin that belonged to her mum and crying. Meanwhile inside the vortex, the nerds are amusing themselves when Embele makes to leave and then returns saying there is a girl outside their house. All the guys rush to see and Lenny realises it is Sydney. Frustrated by his own good nature, he throws on a raincoat and goes to her. Sydney says she was thrown out but having given up her dorm room already she has no accommodation. She says you probably don't want me sitting out here so I'll be on my way. Against his own will Lenny says she can stay.

She is introduced to all the guys - Embele who is from Africa and has not yet dealt with his jetlag despite it now being 3 years later. He sleeps randomly and attends to his studies late at night. Terrence who is working on some bizarre experiments and has been in college for many years. Spanky who really likes girls but has not had much to do with them and keeps saying inappropriate things. Jeremy who is always in a boy scout uniform and is easily influenced. And Gurkin who is an isolated, angry man who writes a blog on injustices of the world. Sydney is taken to her room in the attic where everything is covered in dust and the handle of the window breaks off. Lenny appears overly helpful and offers her a range of his medication including allergy tablets, but she replies she has her own. He offers her feminine aids as well but she again replies she is fine. Just then Spanky appears dressed only in a silk dressing gown and says he can help her with anything she needs as well. Lenny chases him out of the room and tells Sydney he is sorry about that. Just then he sees Sydney's open suitcase which is filled to the brim with comics. He says: is that...? and they both say the title and its rarity at the same time. Lenny decides Sydney is alright after all.

Sydney calls her dad but tells him everything is fine when he asks about how the sorority is.

Downstairs all the guys are gathered around Sydney's sports bra which is hanging over the shower. Spanky announces that "that thing has touched boobs".  All of them stare at it in awe.

Sydney tries to adapt to her new home. As she descends the stairs, her foot goes through one of the boards. Then, the wiring in one of the pillars catches fire and Embele nonchalantly extinguishes it with a fire hydrant. Horrified, Sydney asks what is going on. They explain that no one spends money on the house. Sydney protests that it is a danger. They explain that Rachel being the overall president has never allowed any funding to go to this house. Terrence appears with another of his crazy experiments and vanishes again.

Sydney's dad appears suddenly. Sydney asks what he is doing here and he replies he could tell straight away something was wrong so he got in his truck and drove here. They take a walk and Sydney confesses she feels she has let everyone down. Her dad says he doesn't believe her mum would care whether or not she stuck to the sorority and to just be herself.

While Sydney is out, she runs into Tyler. He asks how she has been and that he has been thinking about her. She angrily confronts him about his girlfriend humiliating her in front of everyone. He says Rachel is not his girlfriend, when suddenly Sydney cuts him off - she has just seen a table set up with people announcing the upcoming election of student president. Running over she asks for a sign up form, then several more.

She goes home and announces to the guys she knows how to get the house fixed - they are all going to enter the election. At first the guys refuse but she talks them into it. They then have to select who will run for president. They all pick Terrence.

At an open day for the candidates, they are manning a stall but not getting much attention. Sydney is questioning Lenny's special non allergenic vegan organic patties when Dinky arrives and asks for just that thing. Lenny and Dinky look at each other and make conversation. This time it is Sydney who realises that Dinky is flirting with Lenny. Suddenly some Kappa girls arrive and tell Dinky she has to go back and see Rachel right away. Dinky has changed, having been told her giant Dolly Partonesque hair is not Kappa material and now has it straightened. Sadly she bids goodbye to Sydney, and makes a feeble attempt to say she has been having a good time at the house. Sydney drums up business by saying there are free drinks at their stall. Students rush the stall.

Tyler asks Sydney on a date by surprising her with an a capella group in the library. Other students tell her to keep it down so it becomes impossible to make them stop until she agrees to the date.

The guys attempt to help Sydney get ready for her date. Funnily enough when she appears in her tomboy clothes they are able to tell her its the wrong outfit. Then when Tyler arrives, all the guys are defensive as if they are Sydney's dads. Tyler manages to win them over, including Gurkin who has written his own computer game that no one can defeat him on. Tyler wins and when the others ask how he managed that because they all believe he is only a frat boy, he says that frat boys can be geeks too.

On their date, Tyler says he needs to do something first. He tells Sydney that he has to help out in the soup kitchen for the homeless because of a prank he played, and he is bound to do it by his professor. Sydney is touched by the manner that Tyler approaches his task and his genuine warmth to the people. She engages in conversation with the professor who reveals that Tyler actually completed his penalty but has continued to come in anyway. Tyler takes Sydney to the top of a tower to have sandwiches, which Sydney finds comforting and down to earth. He tells Sydney he thought she would appreciate it and intimates he has never met anyone like her.

Back in front of the Vortex the guys spy on Sydney when she returns home to see her kiss Tyler.

Tyler invites all the guys to a party at his frat house.

Rachel has an evil plan for the frat party and enlists Kappa girls to help. At first the frat and sorority girls ignore the geeks but then Terrence volunteers for a beer challenge which involves sucking beer from a keg while doing a handstand on the keg. Everyone thinks he is a non event, however they soon start rapturously cheering as he beats everyone else's time. Sydney is pleased but Rachel puts her plans into action. While Sydney is distracted by Tyler asking her to dance, Kappa girls approach the geeks and tell them there is a hot tub outside and where they can get naked. The girls tell the geeks they will be waiting. Excited the guys run to the back and strip down, then walk around the yard looking for the tub. Sydney realises something is wrong when she can't see any of the geeks but it is too late. Rachel pulls the curtains and turns on the lights and all the party starts laughing at the naked guys. On the way out, she thanks Tyler for distracting Sydney loudly.

Because of something Tyler mentions in passing of his experiences inside The Vortex (such as the sudden fires) Rachel manages to have the house condemned and everyone is kicked out. The geeks feel Sydney has let them down. They move to a motor inn but Sydney finds them and manages to get back into their good books.

Rachel learns of Terrence's multiple years staying at college and uses it to put an end to his presidency run - he is too old. The geeks are shattered, but eventually Sydney declares she is going to run instead. They start polling hard and turn to the minority groups of the campus, including the transexual drama group, Orthodox Jews, marching band, punks etc and spending time listening to what they want and joining in with their activities. During this, a girl walks past Gurkin and notices his T Shirt which states his blog site. She says: do you read that too? He tells her he is the author. She says OMG I swore if I ever met the guy who wrote it I would totally hook up with him. So then they become an item.

Rachel wages a war. Sydney is working hard to finish her assignments as well as carry out her polling so Rachel enlists a hacker. The hacker hacks into Sydney's computer remotely and deletes everything on her hard drive. Sydney becomes comatose but the geeks pull together and manage to snap her out of it and give her a pep talk. Sydney has to stay up all night before the candidate debate just to rewrite her essay. She manages to do it all and send it off but falls asleep in the library.

The next morning the debate is starting and while Rachel's seats are all filled up, hardly anyone has shown up for Sydney's side. More of a problem, Sydney is still asleep. Rachel whispers in passing that she believes Sydney has abandoned them. The geeks don't know what to do but Tyler runs off to look for her and finds her in the library. Sydney arrives just in time and begins her speech. She is partially beaten turn by turn by Rachel's statements, but then the groups she polled begin arriving. Cheered on by their support Sydney manages to deliver strong statements.

Rachel runs off in a fury followed by the Kappas. However, Dinky, backed by Rachel's two previous henchwomen, tell her things are changing and that she is kicked out of Kappa because she has broken their rules. They then chant the Kappa statements, slap their hands on their ass and strut off which Rachel screams in anger.

Of course, Sydney wins the vote in the end and the movie closes by the Vortex being fixed by students from all over the campus. Sydney and Tyler are kissing. Gurkin and his date are together. Dinky and Lenny get together. Just then Terrence reappears dressed swankily and driving an amazing car. He says that finally he got the test to work and he has invented a machine that can work out probabilities and sold it to a lotto company. He is a multi millionaire. A photo is taken and Sydney has a voiceover echoing the sentiments from her mum's letter, that she will make friends for life. And of course, Sydney makes it to number 1 on the hottest on campus website.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Matching Jack - Australia 2010

Marissa and David are married and have one son called Jack. We see in the opening that David is very busy and is constantly only partially involved in family life.

During a football match, Marissa notices that Jack seems to be labouring in comparison with the other kids. She decides to take him for tests. David meanwhile departs for a business trip - he is a renovator or architect, a job which is later revealed gives him plenty of access to stay at home wives.

While in the hospital, Jack is placed in the sole available bed next to a boy called Finn. Marissa is first introduced to Finn's father, Connor, when she is standing outside trying to call David. Connor has just got off the bus with long pieces of timber and has dropped something on the road. An irate cab driver begins to berate him about getting a car and not taking such items on a bus, when the bus driver picks up the dropped items and tells the cab driver he'd be faster getting to where he wanted if he got out to help. Connor calls out, see what happens when you treat other people with kindness?

Inside, Connor reveals the timber pieces are a boat and begins to construct the boat frame around his son's bed. It is complete with a broomstick mast and sails. He tries to make friends with Marissa and Jack, but Marissa looks at him like he is a freak and draws the curtain around Jack. She has talked to a doctor who says Jacks white blood cells are abnormally high but Marissa says that could happen due to a number of reasons.

The doctor advises that Jack should stay overnight for more tests. Marissa finds she can't locate David, even at the hotel he claims he was staying at. We pan to David and see he is staying at the apartment of an attractive blonde woman, Veronica.

While she is outside, Finn asks Jack what kind of leukaemia he has. Jack says I haven't got that. Finn tells him that he is in the cancer ward. Jack says maybe he only has a little bit of leukaemia. Finn tells him there is only bad leukaemia and really bad leukaemia. When Marissa gets back Jack asks her if he has leukaemia. Horrified she looks at Finn then tells Jack he hasn't.

They return home and David is back also. Marissa asks him where he had been as she called the hotel. He blows it off and claims that there had been a mistake. Jack is really excited by a video of a comet on the Internet which he is recording himself talking about then runs off to ask his dad to see it. He runs into the study without knocking and begins shouting for his dad to see it. David is on the phone to Veronica and angrily turns to Jack saying don't you ever knock. Then he says he is on an important call and he has to finish this first. Jack reluctantly leaves but forgets his recorder.

David goes off for another job and Marissa is left with the duty of taking Jack to hospital along with her mother. Her mother has brought holy water to protect Jack. Connor arrives with a figurehead bust made of plaster for the ship. Marissa asks the staff to move Jack but they tell her that there are no other beds. Through overhearing Connor speak to Finn, and by conversation with Connor, Marissa figures that Connor is telling Finn that they will be sailing the oceans to the fairy islands where his dead mother lives. She confronts Connor, clearly disapproving that Connor is telling such a lie to Finn and going to such an extent of building the bed boat. Connor tells her that there is more to this disease than just treating it.

David and Marissa find out Jack has leukaemia and that the best therapy would be finding a bone marrow match. They find out neither of them have the appropriate marrow but a sibling would have a high chance of matching. Professor Nelson, the head of the department gives them a crash course on leukaemia which leaves them visibly perplexed.  David leaves again.

One day Jack is playing his recording of announcing the comet to Marissa and her mother when it suddenly comes to the point where he rushes into his dad. While Marissa and her mother smile about the interruption, it suddenly plays David talking again and he said saying Veronica I am really leaving her, she probably won't even notice, Jack is all she cares about. Horrified, Marissa grabs the recorder and stops it. She stands up and goes to the door. Her mother goes over and says after all the bells and whistles he turned out to be [a piece of crap]. As Marissa leaves, her mother goes back to Jack and says If you ever cheat on a woman I will kill you. Jack blankly says What?

Marissa meanwhile is hiding in the bathroom and plays it again before breaking down.

David returns home and is confronted by Marissa asking who Veronica is. He feigns ignorance. She then accuses him of knowing how sick Jack was yet still leaving him so he can carry on his affair. She asks if there were others but while he protests that there weren't, she sees through his lie. She kicks him out of the house. After he is gone she pulls notebooks out of the bookcases (presumably his job books) and goes through his study. She reads into everything and looks increasingly upset as she sees that all the clients are noted by the women's names and the dates and phone numbers for them.

In hospital again she is crying after Jack is asleep, and Connor hoists the sails (the room curtain) to ask after her. He comforts her.

Jack's football team come to visit and on one visit as a mark of solidarity all the boys shave their heads. Finn looks on sadly, but Jack notices and engages him in the conversation.

One night, granny is asleep and Marissa is out when Jack starts crying and calling for Marissa. Finn leans over and asks him what is wrong. Jack says his hands feel tingly and he can't move them. Finn reassures him that it is the treatment. Jack fears he is dying. Finn says he is not dying because people who are dying stop complaining. After this Jack calms down.

Marissa begins contacting the women in the job books and even visiting unannounced. As she becomes more frantic, her approaches become more aggressive, such as commenting how much the children look like David. At the peak of her unreasonable actions, she pushes her way into a house and the female occupant picks up the phone to call police. Marissa attempts to explain herself only to have the woman tell her that the name Marissa is saying is the person she bought the house from. Thoroughly embarrassed Marissa apologises and leaves.

While bonding with Connor, she tells him of another woman she confronted about having babies with David and the woman replied only if she had sex with David in the hills of (an African town). Her two sons then emerge and both are mixed race.

David angrily confronts her about what she is doing (probably after getting a complaint from the women). As they argue what is the right way to deal with the situation, Marissa yells that she is not trying to humiliate him, she is trying to save Jack. One day on her way to another woman's house, she sees David is already at the door talking to the woman. Marissa is surprised and drives on.

Meanwhile, David has advised Veronica what is happening and that he can't leave Marissa right now when she angrily tells him she is pregnant. He looks happy and amazed but when she hears that the child could be a match for Jack she reacts badly and says her child is not spare parts for Jack. She tells David he has no part in the decision whether or not she has the baby and David becomes desperate. However Veronica kicks him out.

Unknown to David, Veronica actually goes to visit Jack to meet him. Jack has no idea who she is but happily talks to her. He tells her that he hopes he won't die because his dad is going to live with another woman and then his mum will be all alone and won't know what to do. Shocked, Veronica goes ahead to have a test done on her baby.

She is upset and is in the toilets throwing up when Marissa on the outside of the stalls asks if she is ok. She comes out when Marissa asks her to drink some water. Marissa mistakes her for someone who also has a child with cancer. When Marissa mentions Jack as her son, Veronica looks at her in horror and races back to the toilet to throw up again. Still remaining ignorant, Marissa leaves.

Later Professor Nelson lets slip that Veronica's child was not a match, not knowing that neither Marissa nor David had even known she had been to the hospital. Marissa still does not realise she met Veronica.

Marissa finds yet another of David's old lovers. The woman has a teenage goth punk daughter who is sitting outside at the time. As she overhears the story, the daughter becomes excited and scandalised and says it is cool while her mother becomes more and more defensive. She tells Marissa that her daughter could never have been David's because if she was, she would have screwed David of every cent he had for child support. It is clear she holds a lot of animosity towards David.

The goth daughter (Kerry) attends the hospital unannounced. When Jack asks who she is, she says I'm your sister. He says I don't have a sister. She says yes you do. He says how does that happen? She realises he doesn't know about sex. She then leaves.

Marissa encounters Connor walking in the street with one of his figureheads and offers him a lift. He takes her to his boatshed and she gets to see all the things that he makes. He is a boat builder and a sailor. He then needs help transporting the figure to his yacht, however once they have got it into the dinghy, she is about to leave when she says how were you going to get it into your boat? He said he hadn't thought of that so she goes with him.

On board there are two other figures sitting at the table. He tells Marissa that he moved them there to keep him company during dinner after Finn moved out. He makes her a cup of tea and says she is the only woman who has been here who can hold her own cup. As they admire the view on deck, they hold each other and eventually are overcome and make love in consolation.

After Connor returns her to shore, he says remember, we only met on water, and now you are back on land.

That night the whole family are home. Jack has been allowed to go home. David makes to leave but Marissa says he can stay the night. David asks, really? David and Marissa have had sex. David thinks maybe things are going to change but then Marissa says she only did it for Jack. In sudden realisation, David says, you're trying to get pregnant.

Suddenly Jack is screaming. Both parents race to his room to see his face covered in blood. He screams that it won't stop. In hospital, two clowns dressed like balladeers sing a song about blood before Professor Nelson thanks them and gets them to leave. He then tells Jack and his parents why the bloody nose occurs after treatment and that Jack will be alright.

The next day Jack, Marissa, Finn and Connor go out sailing. They have a great time. Jack has also been spending a lot of time with Finn in his bed boat.

Finn and Jack talk about the kids that have their own tv and playstation. Jack wistfully hopes to get a playstation. Finn warns him that the only kids that get playstations and their first pick of DVDs are the ones who are about to die. Jack loses all his excitement and looks worried.

One day Connor is called out and is given the bad news that Finn is now terminal. Marissa goes to look for him when he doesn't come back. She finds him in a back room and asks if he needs anything. He tells her for godsake woman, just leave me alone. Shocked she leaves and begins to realise how she had been in denial that their children were going to die.

While no one is in the room and Finn is asleep, two clowns wheel in a tv and a playstation and say to Jack what a big surprise it will be for Finn when he wakes up. Knowing of what Finn told him previously that only those who are about to die get the playstation, Jack starts sobbing hysterically.

Later Marissa and Connor are down in the grounds talking about their children. Finn wakes up and feverishly feels the need to go. He sees the figurehead (which is of his mother), grabs it in the trolley and attempts to wheel it out. He goes to the fire stairwell but as he takes the first step the figure tumbles forward. As he is screaming the figurehead crashes through the window at the end of the step and it crashes down into a fountain right in front of Connor and Marissa. Connor races up the stairs. When Marissa and staff reach them, Finn is hysterically ranting that he doesn't want to die. Connor calms him down by saying that he is here but his mum is in the fairy islands, so when the time comes and they take the boat trip, maybe he will come home with his dad, but if not, he will be with his mum. Either way he is not going to be alone. Marissa realises how important Connor's make believe world was to help Finn with his impending death.

Finn is feeling worse, but Jack convinces him to come to a circus put on for the sick kids. It is organised that David will take them. On the way David is distracted by trying to get Veronica to talk to him. He runs a red light and crashes into another car. Desperate he goes on foot to Veronica's home.

David desperately tries to approach Veronica again, hammering on her door. She opens it and says the whole apartment is being disturbed by him, He asks is that all she is worried about. She tells him again he has no say about the child and to leave then closes the door on him.

Meanwhile Marissa and Connor have gone out for the evening for dinner. Marissa wonders whether they should go back but Connor tells her David has to have his turn and they also need a break. Finn and Jack are playing Battleship and look at the clock. It is past 7.30 and Finn sadly tells Jack David is not coming. Jack looks downcast but not surprised. He then says he has an idea. They sneak out of their ward and into the costume room (for the clowns) and emerge dressed as a chicken and a rabbit. Then then sneak out of the hospital and although they are seen by the staff on the desk, the staff mistake them for clowns and take no notice.

They then go to Luna Park where they spend the night on different rides. However, later on when they are on the carousel, an exhilarated Jack turns to Finn and sees Finn hunched over and hugging the pole. He says Finn, why didn't you say something. Luna Park is near the boat shed so they go to Connor's shed where Jack finds pillows and blankets for Finn. He tells Finn they have to go back to hospital but Finn begs him not to and to make a fire instead because he is cold. Jack gets extra rugs and makes a fire.

Marissa and Connor are disturbed by a phone call. Marissa tells Connor their boys are missing. She calls David and gets messaging so she tells him to call back right away.

At the hospital Connor tells Marissa to stay put while he goes with the police to try and find them. The police say the children were spotted at Luna Park around 8pm. Connor says that's right near the boat sheds.

When the police show up at the boat sheds, Jack runs out and tells them Finn is inside.

David takes Jack home. Jack is experiencing guilt but David tells him Finn is now very sick and the trip to Luna Park had nothing to do with what is happening to Finn.

David is shopping at the supermarket when Veronica sees him and looking over his shoulder says that says flatbread, not flathead (he is standing at the fish counter). He thanks her for having done the test. She pauses a moment then says she is sorry that the baby had not been a match. She says she is having an abortion on Saturday night. He offers to take her there but she smiles and says its not a date. It becomes clear that he cares for her but she has moved on and doesn't want to be with him any more.

The doctors tell Connor there is no difference now where Finn is so they go back to the boat shed. A nurse asks if there is anyone he wants to call. Later Marissa shows up. She sits beside Finn who looks up and asks if she is his mother. She tells him it is Marissa. Then David shows up with Jack. Marissa starts to ask but David says Jack wouldn't take no for an answer. Jack goes to Finn and asks if is hurts. Finn says it doesn't. Finn then makes Jack promise he will look after Connor because after he dies Connor will have nobody. Jack, Marissa, Connor and the nurse look on and Finn says he feels very tired. Connor asks him to go to sleep but Finn replies he can't and must wait until his mother arrives. In the morning Finn whispers that she is here and then he dies.

Later Marissa and Connor watch the undertaker drive Finn away. Connor them goes back into the shed. He then explodes, screaming and yelling and breaking things. Marissa leans against the shed and lets him vent.

Kelly and her mother reappear at the hospital. Her mother is adamant that her 15 year old daughter is not permitted to do anything. Marissa and David beg her because they have found out Kelly is a good match. Finally Kelly says to her mother she has always wanted a brother and it is something she really wants to do. There is a tense standoff between Kelly and her mother. Eventually Kelly rolls her eyes and says for godsake mum, nod your head, like this (nodding). Her mother gives in.

Marissa goes down to the dock and sees Connor packing up. She asks him how long he is going. He says until Ireland has had enough of me.

We see Connor in Ireland and reunited with his friends. They drink to The Lad in a bar. Then they send off Connor at a wharf and he rows out to a remote spot on still waters. He ceremoniously tips out Finn's ashes in the waters.

Jack recovers and David has moved out and is single. Jack frets that David can't even cook for himself.

Jack has become a keen sailor and wins a race. As Marissa cheers him, she runs back up the jetty to meet him and notices the door to Connor's she is open. Curious she calls out his name. He appears at the doorway having returned a few days ago. She confesses she thought of calling him but didn't know where to call. She then tells him that Jack has just won a boat race and Connor appears delighted. They go together to congratulate Jack. Marissa looks on happily as Connor takes over the fatherly role and helps Jack dismantle his yacht.

Look Both Ways - Australia 2005

One liner: The people who attend the scene of a train accident develop relationships with each other.

* contains spoilers *

Nick is a newspaper photographer who has just discovered that his testicular cancer has spread to his lungs. As the doctor talks, photos of Andy's life flick through his mind, from a baby to an adult and ultimately to death. When he returns to the office his boss Phil is busy whipping out instructions until he realises Nick hasn't said anything. Annoyed, he demands some answers. Nick reveals he has cancer. Phil doesn't know how to deal with it and says he'll organise a collection and a bottle of Scotch. Seeing Nick's dismay over his lightness, Phil tells him to go home instead. While packing up his things, reporter Andy tries to enlist Nick for a story about a man killed on the railway tracks. Nick tries to get out of it but fails to say he just found out he has cancer. Andy misses Nick's hesitation and the two of them end up on the scene.

Meanwhile Meryl, who is a sensitive artist with depression, is making her way back from her parent's home where she has just attended her father's funeral. As she travels, she can't help but imagine awful situations of death for just about everyone she sees, including herself. These are represented by rough, cartoonish animations. The train crashes, drivers get stuck on the tracks, people get run over by cars. Back in the real world, she travels past the homes that are near the railway tracks, and sees a man working on his home in the backyard, playing with a dog. When she gets off the train, she has to walk past the same houses and sees the man playing with his dog outside their yard.

When Nick and Andy arrive at the scene, we discover the man with the dog had fallen over the track when his dog ran off and the train hit him. Meryl saw him fall on the tracks but did not see him get killed. The train driver is sitting on a block looking shocked. Andy hurries off to interview everyone, intent on getting a scoop. Lost in thought about his own impending death, Nick focuses on taking photos of the people's suffering, including the girlfriend of the man who has just arrived home. He takes a photo of her just as she has dropped her groceries with an agonised look on her face.

As he leaves he realises he is travelling the same direction as Meryl. They converse but it is only when he reaches his home that he learns of Meryl's dad. Embarrassed he shuts up. Meryl says she supposes she'll be imparting her star sign soon to a perfect stranger. Without warning, she suddenly says "Cancer". Nick wonders how she knew, but seeing his confusion, Meryl thinks he didn't know what she meant and adds, "My star sign is cancer". She mentions that when something happens you see it everywhere.

As Nick goes on home alone, he realises what she means as everything that catches his eye is to do with death, such as a flower tribute on a post near the road, skulls on posters and so on. When he arrives home, he starts drinking straight from the bottle. He looks through his photos and decides to send the one of the distraught girlfriend to Phil.

Phil arrives home and says happy birthday to his daughter, who replies that it is tomorrow. He turns to his wife to whisper how old is she, but the daughter overhears and says she is 10. As he says well happy birthday for tomorrow, darling, she rolls her eyes. Phil comes to realise he is too fixated by work. He goes to smoke a cigarette but thinks of Nick and stops.

Back at the office, Andy is putting an angry bent on his article. He had been telling everyone how male suicide was grossly overlooked, intimating that it was a cover up and nobody cared whether men were dying. He questions whether the man that died today was really an accident. A colleague tells him that her schedule has changed so he has to do Arts Diary this week. She tells him this time he really has to attend the performances before reviewing them, unlike his efforts last time. He complains to her a journalist of his level does not write Arts Diary, but when his phone rings, he sarcastically answers it Arts Diary, Andy speaking.

When he arrives home he finds Anna, a woman he was dating, on his doorstep. There is an awkwardness between them. He goes inside but does not invite her then he gets a drink for himself. She says she thought she was dumped because he failed to call her for a month. He said he was busy. She breaks the news that she is pregnant. Andy becomes exasperated and says he doesn't want a baby and this is no way to start having one (in a casual relationship). Anna says she doesn't want one either, but it's clear that she is unhappy with the way Andy is taking the news. Angry and let down, she storms off.

We find Nick passed out on the floor from drinking. Meanwhile, Meryl has arrived home and listens to various messages on her answering machine which seem to be unsympathetic to her recent developments, including her boss who says she expected Meryl to be back sooner and to meet a deadline. She is working quickly on a painting and takes a call from her sister.

The next morning Andy's photo has made the front page. Meryl is working on a painting when suddenly her friend Linda arrives who is heavily pregnant and has not a bone of sensitivity. Meryl tips over some ink onto her new painting in fright. Without apologising, Linda says has Meryl just spilt something on that. Meryl doesn't blame Linda. Linda questions how the funeral went. Meryl says her sister ate all the salmon sandwiches during the funeral. Linda's comments are tactless but without malice. They decide to go to the pool together.

Once in the pool, Meryl again imagines death all around her, such as a little girl being drowned and herself being eaten by sharks in the pool. Again these are cartoons based on her paintings. We see the mother of the girl has been peering at a man's newspaper until he becomes frustrated and just gives it to her. She begins reading the article with obsessed interest until she notices her daughter floating too long face down and calls out to her. The girl turns over and takes a deep breath to the relief of Meryl.

Meryl goes home to see the article and angry over the photo and article and the insensitivity towards the death goes out with a big stack of paper to throw it away. However, all of it topples over and goes all over the footpath. With a groan she gets down to tidy it up.

Nick goes jogging and comes to the train track where the man was killed. He thinks of going to the house to apologise to the widow but just as he reaches the door he sees an undertaker arrive. He runs on and then encounters Meryl who is throwing out a stack of newspapers. He tries to apologise saying that she didn't need all the drama after her dad's death and that he hoped his or Andy's actions didn't upset her. She doesn't invite him in. He notices one of her paintings sticking out so picks it up and sees it is a lone girl in a large ocean, circled by sharks. He takes it home. Later he returns to her place to ask her if the artwork is hers. She is surprised to see him but lets him in.

Going into her apartment he admires her paintings and they get to discussing risky things they have done. They also discuss their mutual issue of seeing death everywhere but discover that, thankfully, they don't see death when they look at each other. They end up having sex, however both of them are privately obsessing about their own issues leading up to the actual act, such as Nick picturing that his cancer cells are breaking up and entering his blood stream. Nick wakes up in the middle of the night and as he sits up, discovers paintings under the bed which Meryl hid when he arrived. He sees that they depict Meryl being eaten by a shark, and Meryl huddling with threatening dark clouds above her. He carefully puts them back, admires the big ocean painting that he first liked when he arrived, then writes her a note before he goes home.

Andy meanwhile has had to go to a theatre production of Macbeth so that he can write a review for Arts Diary, something which he feels is demeaning to him as a serious journalist. He has already had a go at Nick for getting his photo on the front page and Phil for putting it there. Phil defends his decision by asking Andy if he has talked to Nick lately. Nick and Andy had been at cricket earlier in the day and Phil had shown up as a way of making amends for his blunder about the cancer news. While Nick mulls over his father's last days dealing with cancer, he suddenly asks Andy whether he believes in God. Andy retorts that it is completely stupid how anyone could believe there is someone out there who sees every little thing that happens to everyone and then at the end of their life God will decide whether they have been any good. Andy tells Nick to block, however Andy is distracted by a nearby wedding, realising he might never experience it, and hits the ball high resulting in someone catching him out. Andy gets extremely upset.

Andy receives a call from his ex wife who says he can't have the children as his daughter has broken her arm. It turns out that it is the same woman from the pool. She then has an argument with him about his article and tells him that the whole world is not against him. It is revealed Andy has a big chip on his shoulder and imagines everyone else gets it easier, explaining his outbursts relating to Anna, Nick and Phil and the kind of articles he has been writing.

While at Macbeth, he leaves early after the actor says something poignant which leads Andy to heave a huge exasperated sigh. He tries to get his glass of wine but the waiter says the play has not finished. Andy says he really needs it and the waiter relents. He calls Anna who is relaxing at home with friends. She takes the call reluctantly and tells Andy she and her flatmate are leaving on Friday for England and she plans to stay there and find work. Confused, Andy asks why she is doing that. Upset by Andy's mixed messages, Anna tells him she doesn't want to talk about it and hangs up.

The next day Andy collects his children for an access visit and takes them to the gallery. His ex wife gives him a long list of instructions while she is in the car until Andy says don't worry, I won't let anything happen to them. They enter the gallery and the children ask how long they have to stay there. Andy says until they gain some insight. Later in the afternoon, he returns home and finds Anna waiting on the steps. Taken aback he asks the children to wait behind a wall, then he asks Anna why she has come. Just then his ex wife shows up. He throws his hands up in a why me moment. His ex wife informs him they are late for a birthday party and he asks why didn't you let me take them? The children emerge and she realises they have lollies and ice creams which she told Andy not to give them. Andy says who doesn't take lollies to a party? Andy says to Anna this is the reason I don't want a baby, I can't go through this again. Anna says again she doesn't want a baby either, but can't believe Andy's behaviour towards her and says pretend you didn't know and runs off.

Nick shows up at Meryl's apartment where she doesn't invite him in. He says he left because he couldn't sleep. He asks whether he can have a drink but all she does is go inside and get a drink before giving it to him at the door. However he comes inside. She burns her toast and Nick says he is due to go to lunch at his mum's and would she like to go?

They turn up at his mother's and while Meryl and his mother talk in the loungeroom, Nick rehearses saying he's got cancer in the kitchen. He eventually gives up and goes to his dad's study where he looks at the boxes of his dad's things that have been partially sorted and packed. It was revealed earlier that his father died of cancer a year ago and he moved back here to keep his mother company. His mum shows up and says lunch is ready. At the table, Meryl is sitting at the head of the table while mother and son face each other. After a while it comes up that mum never expected to need to cook something special for anyone again and that she used to enjoy cooking. Nick realises that she is referring to the period where she had to cook bland food for his dad when he was undergoing treatment, and he blows up saying it wasn't any fun for his dad during that time either.

Meryl, who doesn't know the dad died of cancer, and not knowing Nick's cancer news either, is surprised by Nick's treatment of his mum. His mum gets up and exits and then Nick goes after her. Meryl awkwardly remains at the table while an argument erupts off camera. Meanwhile Nick is angrily reproaching his mum over what dad must have gone through, and is still unable to bring himself to tell her his own cancer. His mum on the other hand tells him it is different for everyone and his way of coping and her way of coping might not have been the way his dad wanted to cope. She finishes by saying no matter what anyone has to go through, they need to find their own way of dealing with it. Nick settles down and realises she is right because he can't have understood what it felt like to be in her position or his dad's position during that time.

Meryl and Nick go back on the train in silence. Nick is a million miles away, absorbed by recollections of his father's different approaches - first staunch and joking when he found out, and finally dreadfully afraid and vulnerable at the last. When their stop arrives, Meryl has already gone to the carriage door and plans to leave him there but changes her mind, then changes her mind again but the door closes. Nick looks up and apologetically looks at Meryl when he realises they have missed their stop, while Meryl looks guilty for being caught trying to leave.

As they walk past a group of Africans playing cricket, Nick ends up telling her he isn't prepared to start anything. Meryl says so I see someone get killed on Friday and meet you, then we have sex on Saturday, meet your mother on Sunday and now you are telling me you can't start anything. This must be the shortest most dramatic relationship I have ever had. He then tells her he has cancer. She says what, cancer-cancer? As he confirms it, she gets angry and says it is a lame excuse. She runs off but runs back and yells at him, has he ever thought maybe she didn't want him, or that she wasn't ready to start anything. She runs off and then runs back again and yells she doesn't need people like him, maybe she did hope he would like her but people like him need to piss off. As he stands there, trying to make sense of what happened, one of the African guys says: what happened, mate? Did you forget to take out the rubbish again? Nick nods and walks off.

Meryl is running home all the while imagining awful accidents happening (more animations) and ends up tripping and falling on the road. A car which was speeding and has swerved to avoid an open truck door comes racing down upon her, swerving and missing her at the last minute. Completely shocked she crawls back onto the footpath, to a seat and looks at her bloody knees.

Anna has gone home and started smoking and reading a brochure on abortion. Andy has been walking aimlessly and finds himself on the railway track, he sees the dead man's girlfriend (Julia) coming so he quickly hides behind a post. After she passes he hurries away but she sees him.

Julia has mainly been numb since the death. She browsed coffins and relatives received flowers at the door. She goes out for a walk and sees a memorial that Meryl had made near the track. She had been angered in seeing her photo on the front page. She feels further disempowered that someone else has made a memorial. Looking around furiously she then kicks the memorial to pieces before hurrying home, then purposefully gathering tools and materials.

Latter we see the new memorial she has made next to the track. Andy comes upon this and realises together with the events surrounding Anna and his ex wife how one sided he has seen everything. He feels completely lost, realising he doesn't want to be like he was, but not knowing how to move forward.

The train driver has been near comatose at home. At first his son, who is an emo, just avoids him and sneaks a read at the papers which detail the death. However, as his dad fails to change, he begins to worry, even changing back to normal clothes to try and draw his dad back. One night he brings his dad a beer and sits with him in the garden. Finally they drive to the widow's house and the driver goes to Julia and tells her I was the train driver. He gives her a card which features one of Meryl's paintings. Julia reaches out to him and says it was not his fault. The driver takes her hand and shakes it and then goes back to his waiting son.

Nick starts running when he realises how he has stuffed everything up. He finds himself at the tracks and sees the train. In a liberating moment he begins to race the train, not understanding why. He runs hard and begins pulling in front with the driver looking confused down at him. The driver then looks up and begins yanking the horn. Nick doesn't realise why until he comes around the bend and sees Andy standing on the tracks. At the last moment, Andy steps back and the train passes. Thoroughly exhausted, Nick can't even ask what he is doing. Andy says what are you doing here? It is then revealed that Nick has cancer. Andy says, what? cancer-cancer? Nicks asks why everyone asks that. Andy asks probing questions, how does he know, will he get better. It becomes apparent to him by Nick's behaviour that Nick is actually petrified by his fear of dying. Andy does not tell him what has been going on in his life.

Nick leaves. He realises he needs to fix things with Meryl. It begins raining hard. Meryl meanwhile, also realises she wants Nick and that he probably needs her. She runs back to the cricket ground and looks visibly upset that Nick isn't there. She runs back to her house the same time Nick runs there. They kiss.

Andy drives back to Anna's place and runs to her door, hammering furiously on the door. Anna comes to the window confused and sees him soaked and looking up at her.

Phil is enjoying his daughter's party, which Andy's children are at, and hugs his own children close. He has quit smoking and brought his wife flowers.

In the same style of photo montage as when Nick found out about his cancer, we now see a spread of photos detailing how Nick and Meryl stuck together through his treatment, went overseas, love each other, how Andy and Anna have the baby and how Phil spends more time with his family too.