Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Last Days of Chez Nous - Australia 1992

*** spoilers ***

One liner: Younger sister arrives home after being abroad which has a ripple effect on a household which has been in a holding pattern.

Trailing a big red suitcase, a mystery pair of legs makes its way down a residential lane and arrives at a household via the back garden. Upon entering the house, a cake is spotted bearing the words Welcome Home, iced in pink and shaped like a heart. Soon after a larged knife cuts a huge wedge from the cake.

A red headed, curly haired woman then surveys the house and yells but no one answers. She then tours the house, pausing on the stairs to make a uncomfortable face. She looks into a room which has a pin board on the wall and shoving the cake into her mouth to hold it, proceeds to grab a photo of a man and tear it to pieces. Soon after, she heaves and runs to the toilet where we hear her gag and then flush the toilet. She hears a call and runs down the stairs where she is embraced by a girl in a school uniform who asks if the other person is here to which the older woman answers there is only one wog in this house.

Another redheaded woman then holds up the cake yelling which one of you moles ate the cake? Just then a man in a car arrives.

The young woman is Vicki. The household are Beth, her older sister, husband Jean Pierre and daughter Annie.

As the family organise their lives around the new arrival it becomes clear that Beth takes all the responsibilities away from Vicki. JP mentions that Vicki never does anything and Annie complains that when Vicki refuses to do chores Beth doesn't make her. Beth answers back that she is not Vicki's mum. JP has a go at Vicki asking why she doesn't take things seriously, like reading the politics and economics in the newspaper instead of the gossip. JP thoroughly disapproves of Beth doing everything for her and says one day you must part from your sister.

Beth gets a visit from her pregnant friend Sally. She tells Sally Vicki came home and reveals that the affair Vicki had and followed to Italy didn't work out. In discussing the baby, Sally says a baby is what JP really needs. Beth shrugs it off and says, not for the first time, that the whole thing is a marriage of convenience and both of them know that.

Vicki tells Beth she might be pregnant. They then discuss what Beth did when she had an abortion. Vicki asks Beth not to tell mum. And then she also says not to tell JP. Beth looks surprised and said why would you think I would do that? Vicki says that is what married people do.

Beth decides to take in a boarder who is a young man called Tim. She says she needs to ask one last question - whether he has a sense of humour.

Beth's lack of attention becomes evident. Such as infuriating JP by cutting a piece out of an under ripe brie that he purposely hid at the top of the cupboard. When she says it was no big deal and she was hungry, he tells her that he has looked for this cheese for two years (JP married Beth so that he could remain in Australia from his native France) and that it was not ready. She further insults him when she calls him to dinner and he says he is not hungry by saying but you're always hungry. Proving again that she doesn't know much about him and isn't listening. One day she mistakes JP playing at the piano and tells him it is lovely but it turns out to be Tim. When Vicki asks her to tell her the pros and cons of an abortion, she only manages to say one thing but then dashes off.

Beth is writing a book. JP returns her manuscript and says she always wants to hear the good news first. He says that it is very good and a page turner but she doesn't write realistically. He says that the people in the book are living the kind of life she wishes was real. She replies that Vicki told her it shattered her illusions. (this shows that Vicki is completely naive, Beth is partially naive and JP is the realist).

Sally and Angelo have their baby and Beth and JP visit. JP is asked to hold the baby but he declines saying he would drop the baby. Beth swoops in for her share of baby holding. Angelo and JP have a quiet moment together where JP expresses futility. Angelo having nothing to say just raises his glass. Later Beth is sitting with Sally and Angelo and loudly discussing how JP and her are both not into marriage but they had to so that JP could get a work visa, but really they are not into it. While she is doing this, JP is upstairs and picks up the baby while no one is around to see him. Angelo and Sally both confront Beth and say that the way she talks about JP hurts his feelings. Beth is forced to admit she knows this, but makes the excuse that she doesn't know how to do all that stuff and its JP areas. Angelo says what stuff? Beth says being a couple. Angelo looks at her in disbelief.

After the cheese incident, JP takes a call while the family are having dinner. It is a young girl he has been seeing (as friends) who invites him out. He agrees to go. When he gets to the table, everyone hurridly packs up and leaves, except Vicki. Beth tries to take her dessert bowl but Vicki wrenches it from her and remains sitting. Later JP goes to see Beth in the bedroom and she is crying saying she thought they agreed it was over. He says you decided it was over, I did not. When she asks the reason he tells her the other girl is fun and not uptight. Beth then rolls out a list of her faults. JP says in French that he cannot love the unlovable. Beth takes this to mean that she is unlovable (eg full of faults) but JP really means that Beth has refused to let him love her.

Vicki has the abortion and Beth is in the foyer waiting. The nurse says how nice of your mum to come. Vicki doesn't correct her. In the cab Vicki says she is disappointed because they didn't ask as many questions as she thought they would. Beth says like what? Vicki says: like what the father thinks of this. She then says she felt hurried by everyone. Beth says she definitely made the right decision.

Vicki mentions the abortion a few times, including when she is telling Beth about her new job typing up police reports. She says a man killed his baby by filling a tub with hot water and then saying it was an accident. But was she as bad as this man? Beth tells her it is not the same thing and reassuring her again, yet again showing her inability to listen and read between the lines as Vicki is not dealing with her grief.

The family go to see the parents. JP is discussing with mum the merits of a family dinner at the table and that buffet style is so wrong. People should be at the table where they can tell stories to each other and have speeches. She says that her husband would not be into that. The whole family try to stop dad having cream on his raspberries but JP stands up and holds his serviette in front of the bowl so no one can see cream being put on.

Beth tells JP she will go on a long drive with her father out west. JP says she will achieve nothing and to go with her mother instead. Beth refuses and says she must get something out of her father and have The Talk. Plus she already dared him so it is too late.

Tim mentions that he is not sure he will get used to this family. He is teaching Annie to play a duet with him on piano. Dad arrives and they head off without much fuss.

The house becomes a festival while Beth is away, with costumes, music and dancing. The whole family colour in a book together, eat on the floor and talk. One day Vicki reveals to Annie that dad never liked anyone that Beth brought home. Vicki says she never saw Annie as a baby because when dad arrived to see Beth he refused to let Vicki leave the car. She says that he wasn't there during the birth. Annie gets up to stare out the window. Vicki says are you upset. Annie says no, then wonders if they have killed each other yet.

Beth is driving along a dusty highway and hears constant rustling. She finally looks over and sees dad can't open a chip packet. She wrenches it from him and opens it and tries to hand it back but dad doesn't want any now. She pulls over where a tourist bus is to the protests of dad. They stop to look at the view which is a bleak, flat horizon with nothing on it. An old man tourist tells dad authoritively that he doesn't waste money taking snaps of nothing, and that it is only worth something like when he takes a photo that has someone important in it, like his wife. Dad is appalled and retorts: this is my daughter. Will she do? Back in the car he complains the guy is an idiot.

Beth and dad are driving and there is a cow on the road. Dad tells Beth to ease off but she doesn't until he yells at her. They have an argument about how to put on the handbrake after pulling over. Beth asks why they are always fighting. Dad says she is always causing them and they are always about unimportant things. Beth asks whether it is because she is the oldest. Dad says she reminds him of her mother. Always having to talk about it can't leave it alone. Beth says she doesn't want to end up fighting into old age. She says it can't all be her fault. Dad refuses to back down and says if she didn't say stupid things then they wouldn't fight. Beth says he treats her like she isn't 40 and grown. Dad says if she acted like one it would be different.

They are in a "motel" which is actually a few tin shacks side by side. Dad goes over to Beth's and asks her, holding out a plastic tank, if she wants any water from home. Beth says no, she doesn't get thirsty at night. In their respective rooms and back at home, a tv program showing a birth and a mother and father bonding over the newborn is shown. Dad rolls his eyes, gets up and changes the channel to cricket. Beth smiles and enjoys it and goes out to call home but no one answers. Vicki finally has a break down and is discovered by JP as he comes out with bowls of soup. He asks her what is wrong and rocks her in his arms.

Vicki tells JP what happened and JP is angry. JP tells her that she should have talked to him. She said I didn't think you would care. JP says your sister wants everything tidy. I would have taken your baby. They then kiss over their soup.

Annie and Tim go out on a date, riding a bike together and having a great time. When they return, Tim ventures a kiss and then Annie kisses him back, says goodnight and goes to her room.

Vicki gets woken up in the middle of the night and looking out sees a strange man sitting in JP's car trying to hotwire it. She calls out what are you doing? The thief babbles something about chasing his girlfriend. Vicki says but that's our car! He then gets out with his drink still in hand and runs off across the park. Draped in her sheet she goes to tell JP what happened. JP looks up and caresses her face then they have sex.

Beth and dad are walking across a flat, empty plain. Beth asks dad if he believes in God. Dad eventually says he doesn't. He tells her a story how he and her mother were on tour and while he was sitting down in some historic church a man asked the same question. When he asked it back the fellow said he was a jew during the war and only escaped Germany by the skin of his teeth, so in his opinion there is no God. Beth then asks if he is afraid of death. Dad looks at her incredulously. When she presses on his says Fair Go and walks off.

JP was right, the trip did not resolve anything. Beth had hoped that being away from everyone would let them talk properly. They take a rest at a cafe and when the waitress brings an ice cream, Beth complains that she asked for 1 scoop. The waitress said I did but it looked so lonely on its own. Dad offers the olive branch and says he will give her a hand. Beth considers his health but then allows dad to help her eat it.

They arrive back. Like Vicki, Beth enters the house alone and unnoticed. Annie and Tim are on the piano and Annie is getting better at the duet. As she hugs Tim she sees Beth and gratefully hugs her. She asks if Beth heard her play and Beth says that it was wonderful.

Vicki is returning home and seeing JP outside starts running up to him all smiles. He tells her Beth is home. She says she is going around the block. JP goes inside and without making much fuss breaks open a beer to offer it to Beth. Just then Vicki enters as well.

Beth and JP have sex. He says it is cruel that he is forced to choose. He wishes he could have two wives. When she asks him to clarify he says it would be cruel if he has to choose to leave her. He says if he could have two wives it would help him love her more.

JP gets his citizenship. Beth and Vicki go to the ceremony. Beth tells him she has to get shopping as she has invited Sally and Angelo over to celebrate. JP asks celebrate what? JP seems unimpressed and says it is only a piece of paper.

Beth leaves and JP goes to Vicki and kisses her.

When they arrive home and Beth asks why they were so long. JP says they went to see a movie. She asks if it was colour or black and white and JP flies into a rage saying that she asks useless questions only for the sake of asking and not because she really is interested. He tops it off by saying all movies are in colour now, where would we see a black and white one? (refer back to her asking her dad if he is afraid of death - he recognised she wasn't asking the question genuinely which is why he didn't answer her).

He makes his way outside to go upstairs and sees Sally and Angelo who have heard it. Beth then comes out and says tell the kids dinner is ready. Tension is clear. JP goes upstairs, sees Vicki and kisses her again. He says he is ready for (a catastrophe?). Vicki looks worried.

During dinner Annie is playacting, pretending Beth is a senile old lady who has a day out from the nursing home and doesn't want to go back. Beth is playing along. Annie is trying to involve Vicki and JP who are not playing along as much as they usually would. Tim on the other hand is greatly excited by Annie and looks impressed by her acting. When Annie mentions Butterworth, Sally asks about it. Beth explains that the Butterworth are a family of a mother and two daughters they have fabricated and the two daughters are moles, but she isn't really like Mrs Butterworth because Mrs Butterworth is completely rough but is all heart. She then looks dismayed and leaves the room.

Upstairs JP comes up to see her and says no one knew where she went. She tries to make amends to fix their relationship but JP comes straight out and says there is something between Vicki and I. Beth tries to shrug it off but JP insists: it is serious.

Beth runs off and smashes up the bathroom. Vicki hides in her room having a nervous breakdown.  JP enters the bathroom when she is done and consoles Beth.

Beth and JP are walking along some beach cliffs throwing rocks. He says anyone looking down on them would say look at those lovers. they would not guess we were separated. He tells her that he felt invisible. Beth says she did love him but she begins to grasp that she loved him in a very aloof way. He says he has been lonely for years. Beth says she understands, he can't come back now because it is all broken. She seems ok. She says maybe Vicki will give him a baby. JP says it won't last, as Vicki is only after experience.

Beth is approached in a cafe by Vicki. Vicki tries to explain herself and says that for once she didn't want to stand back, she had to grab what was yours. Then she says I just want to kiss you and kisses Beth trying to get forgiveness. However, Beth says I can't help you any more (understanding that this was all her fault and she shouldn't have protected Vicki all this time). She tells Vicki never to come near her again and leaves the cafe.

At home, Beth tells Tim and Annie what has happened and that Vicki and JP will try and find somewhere to live. Tim leaves so that Beth and Annie can be alone. Annie asks what about Tim? Beth says they need the rent from Tim now. Annie says maybe he doesn't want to stay here. Annie asks aren't you supposed to fight for it? Beth declines and says she actually feels relief.

JP comes to collect things. Annie comes to stand by Beth defiantly but finds JP loving. JP gives her his beret and rubs her cheeks gently before kissing them both.

JP goes to his new place where Vicki is in the kitchen, idly clamping down on a mop with her foot, finally having to do all the housework herself. At first he looks grim, but slowly breaks into a sad smile as he knows this will not last.

At Beth's house she is listening to Tim and Annie play the piano. She looks up at the sky and slowly breaks into a smile. Free from her sham marriage and finally forced to part from her sister she can finally make a more honest life.

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